Core Haskell rules
ghc_plugin |
Declare a GHC plugin. |
haskell_doc |
Create API documentation. |
haskell_import |
Internal rule. Do not use. |
haskell_toolchain_library |
Import prebuilt libraries supplied by the toolchain. |
haskell_binary |
Build an executable from Haskell source. |
haskell_library |
Build a library from Haskell source. |
haskell_register_toolchains |
Register GHC binary distributions for all platforms as toolchains. |
haskell_repl |
Build a REPL for multiple targets. |
haskell_runfiles |
Convenience wrapper around rules_haskell runfiles library. |
haskell_test |
Build a test suite. |
haskell_toolchain |
Declare a compiler toolchain. |
make_repl_kwargs |
Create extra attributes for the auto-generated haskell_repl target. |
haskell_doc_aspect |
haskell_repl_aspect |
Haskell REPL aspect. |
Rules for defining toolchains
get_cc_toolchain |
get_haskell_toolchain |
get_nodejs_toolchain |
get_posix_toolchain |
get_cc_toolchain_impl |
get_haskell_toolchain_impl |
get_nodejs_toolchain_impl |
get_posix_toolchain_impl |
haskell_toolchain |
Declare a compiler toolchain. |
rules_haskell_toolchains |
Register GHC binary distributions for all platforms as toolchains. |
Cabal packages
haskell_cabal_binary |
Use Cabal to build a binary. |
haskell_cabal_library |
Use Cabal to build a library. |
stack_snapshot |
Use Stack to download and extract Cabal source distributions. |
use_stack |
Force given stack binary in all invocations of stack_snapshot . |
Workspace rules (repositories)
haskell_repositories |
Alias for rules_haskell_dependencies |
rules_haskell_dependencies |
Provide all repositories that are necessary for rules_haskell to function. |
rules_haskell_dependencies_bzlmod |
Provide rules_haskell dependencies which are not available as bzlmod modules. |
Workspace rules (GHC binary distributions)
bindist_info_for_version |
configure_python3_toolchain |
Autoconfigure python3 toolchain for GHC bindist |
ghc_bindist |
Create a new repository from binary distributions of GHC. |
ghc_bindist_toolchain_declaration |
ghc_bindists_toolchain_declarations |
haskell_register_ghc_bindists |
Register GHC binary distributions for all platforms as toolchains. |
Workspace rules (Nixpkgs)
check_ghc_version |
ghc_nixpkgs_toolchain_declaration |
haskell_register_ghc_nixpkgs |
Register a package from Nixpkgs as a toolchain. |
register_ghc_from_nixpkgs_package |
Register a pre-existing package from Nixpkgs as a toolchain. |
Support for protocol buffers
haskell_proto_library |
Generate Haskell library allowing to use protobuf definitions. |
haskell_proto_toolchain |
Declare a Haskell protobuf toolchain. |
Support for c2hs
c2hs_library |
Process c2hs source into a Haskell module. |
c2hs_toolchain |
Declare a Haskell c2hs toolchain. |